Providing Proactive Advice to the Health Care Industry
Business relationships and transactions involving members of the health care industry are closely watched by the federal and state antitrust authorities charged with identifying and investigating anticompetitive conduct. In this highly-scrutinized environment, health care professionals and facilities face tremendous difficulties in their attempts structure their operations and practices in a manner that avoids potential antitrust issues and challenges. The attorneys in Johnson Pope’s Heath Care Group have a vast understanding of this complex arena, and provide proactive counsel to help health care clients effectively navigate the myriad of antitrust laws impacting their operations.
Advising Clients on a Broad Range of Activities
The lawyers in our group are well-positioned to help clients identify potential antitrust issues and concerns before they escalate into significant legal problems. Our lawyers carefully assess how health care providers structure their practices and facilities, making sure they take the appropriate measures to avoid running afoul of antitrust rules and regulations Our objective is to provide clients with the counsel they need to minimize and mitigate antitrust risks while moving their businesses forward in a cost-effective and efficient manner.