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The acquisition of real estate is a very complex process requiring a knowledgeable potential buyer to analyze numerous factors in order to make a well-reasoned business decision.

Some of these factors relate to financing, marketability, environmental condition of the property, and its range of uses.

Our firm has assisted numerous buyers and sellers in real estate transactions.

We provide opinions to buyers and sellers concerning:

  • A property’s existing zoning classification, and any non-conformities, including uses and characteristics of use.
  • A property’s land use designation and the property’s consistency with the local government’s land development regulations.
  • The range of and intensity and density of uses allowed under the local government’s comprehensive plan.
  • Confirmation of existing access and potential access opportunities for the property.
  • Confirmation of any proposed governmental improvement projects or eminent domain actions that may impact a property.
  • Confirmation of any impediments to development of a property, including the coordination with various experts to determine the existence of easements, wetlands and environmental limitations such as underground storage tanks, brownfields, or hazardous materials.
  • The reasonable probability of enhancing or obtaining new development entitlements for a property through governmental approval processes, such as rezoning, comprehensive plan amendments, variances, special use/conditional use/special exception, alcoholic beverage zoning, and other approvals to ensure and/or enhance the development potential and marketability of a property.
  • Identifying the availability and suitability of infrastructure relating to the development of the property such as water and sewer lines, stormwater treatment, cross access and utilities.
  • Assessing the costs associated with governmental approvals and permitting such as impact fees, any available impact fee credits, concurrency requirements, permit fees and special assessments.

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