Joshua T. Chilson Of Johnson Pope To Chair Florida Bar Florida Supreme Court And Second DCA JNC Screening Committees

Clearwater — Johnson Pope partner, Joshua T.
Chilson, has been appointed by Florida Bar President John Stewart to Chair The
Florida Bar Board of Governors’ Florida Supreme Court Judicial Nominating
Commission Screening Committee as well as the Second District Court of Appeal
Screening Committee. As part of these appointments, Josh is the overall chair
for The Florida Bar’s 2019-2020 Judicial Nominating Commission Screening
Committees for the entire State of Florida.
Josh is a well-respected leader in the Florida legal community currently
serving on The Florida Bar Board of Governors representing the approximately
4,000 lawyers and judges of the Sixth Judicial Circuit since 2006. Prior to
that time, he served as President of the Clearwater Bar Association.
Josh practices almost exclusively in the areas of personal injury and Social Security disability, having represented clients in most all types of personal injury matters including auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, wrongful death, premises liability incidents, negligent security, dog bites, defective products and most other types of negligence actions involving serious injuries.
Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns, LLP is a regional, full-service law firm with offices in Tampa, Clearwater and St. Petersburg.